Zodiac Aerospace Archivess
- 01/08/2014 GM related to the 2012/2013 fiscal year: Voting Results (French only)
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Authorizations and delegations given to the Executive Board (French)
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Candidates (French)
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Convening notice (French)
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Draft resolutions
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: General meeting preparatory documents availability press release (French)
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Preliminary convening notice (French)
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Presentation (French)
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Press release
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Resolutions presentation (French)
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Vote form
- 01/09/2018 GM of Shareholders related to the 2016/2017 fiscal year: Voting Results (French)
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Authorizations and delegations given to the Executive Board (French only)
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Candidates (French only)
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Convening notice (French only)
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Draft resolutions
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Preliminary convening notice (French only)
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Rectification of the second resolution (French only)
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Resolutions presentation (French only)
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Statutory auditors fees
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Vote form
- 01/14/2016 GM of Shareholders related to the 2014/2015 fiscal year: Voting Results (Only French)
- 01/15/2015 GM related to the 2013/2014 fiscal year: Voting Results (French)
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Preliminary convening notice (French only)
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Resolutions presentation (French only)
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Authorizations and delegations given to the Executive Board (French only)
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Convening notice (French only)
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Dividend dates (French only)
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Draft resolutions
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Press release
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Vote form
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Voting Results
- 01/19/2017 GM of Shareholders related to the 2015/2016 fiscal year: Zodiac Aerospace's dividend for fiscal year 2015/2016
- 2007/2008 Annual Report
- 2008/2009 Annual Report
- 2009/2010 Annual Report
- 2010/2011 Annual Report - Activities report "Elements"
- 2010/2011 Annual Report - Financial report
- 2011/2012 Annual Report - Activities report "Elements"
- 2011/2012 Annual Report - Financial report
- 2012 / 2013 Annual Revenue - Another year of growth for Zodiac Aerospace
- 2012/2013 Annual Report - Activities report "Travel Journal"
- 2012/2013 Annual Results - Analysts presentation (slideshow)
- 2013/2014 Annual Report - Activities report "Travel Journal"
- 2013/2014 Annual Results - Analysts presentation
- 2014/2015 Annual Report - Activities report "Travel Journal"
- 2015/2016 Annual Report - Activities report
- 2015/2016 Annual report - Financial report
- 2015/2016 Q2 Sales Revenue: a year of transformation
- 2015/2016 Q2 Sales Revenue: a year of transformation (Slideshow)
- 2015/2016 Q3 Sales Revenue: Zodiac Aerospace reports a good organic growth in Q3
- 2015/2016 Q3 Sales Revenue: Zodiac Aerospace reports a good organic growth in Q3 (Slideshow)
- 2015/2016 Q4 Sales Revenue: Zodiac Aerospace reports a robust growth in Q4 (Slideshow)
- 2016/2017 Annual Report
- 2016/2017 Q3 Sales Revenues (Slideshow)
- 2017/2018 Q1 Revenues (Slideshow)
- American Airlines Business Seats contract
- Annual report 2012/2013 - Financial & ESR report
- Annual report 2012/2013 - Financial & ESR report_0
- Annual report 2013/2014 - Financial & ESR report
- Annual report 2013/2014 - Financial & ESR report_0
- Annual report 2014/2015 - Financial & ESR report
- Annual report 2014/2015 - Financial & ESR report_0
- Another year of growth: Results for the 2012/13 fiscal year
- Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité de la société ZODIAC AEROSPACE (only in French)
- Change in the composition of the Executive Board
- Collective Retention Agreement
- Conditions financières du départ du Président du Directoire (French only)
- Disclosure of trading in own shares from July 28, 2008 to August 01, 2008
- ERRATUM : Revenue figures for Quarter 1 of 2011/2012 - "Zodiac Aerospace remains on course for growth"
- Financial conditions linked to the change in the composition of the Executive Board
- Financial results for 2011/2012 fiscal year - "Zodiac Aerospace again reports very good results"
- Financial results for the 2007/2008 fiscal year - "Good operating results for 2007/2008"
- Financial results for the 2007/2008 fiscal year - Analysts Presentation (Slide show)
- Financial results for the 2008/2009 fiscal year - "Zodiac Aerospace is well placed to benefit fully when the global economy emerges from crisis"
- Financial results for the 2008/2009 fiscal year - Analysts Presentation (Slide show)
- Financial results for the 2009/2010 fiscal year - "Zodiac Aerospace emerges strengthened from the economic crisis"
- Financial results for the 2009/2010 fiscal year - Analysts Presentation (Slide Show)
- Financial results for the 2010/2011 fiscal year - "Zodiac Aerospace reports an excellent fiscal year"
- Financial results for the 2011/2012 fiscal year - Analysts Presentation (Slideshow)
- Financial results for the first half of 2007/2008 - "Good resistance to the effects of a weak dollar"
- Financial results for the first half of 2007/2008 - Analysts Presentation (Slide show)
- Financial results for the first half of 2008/2009 - "Zodiac Aerospace confirms sustained performance"
- Financial results for the first half of 2008/2009 - Analysts Presentation (Slide show)
- Financial results for the first half of 2009/2010 - "A first half of the year in line with expectations"
- Financial Results for the first half of 2009/2010 - Analysts Presentation (Slide show)
- Financial results for the first half of 2010/2011 - "An excellent first half"
- Financial results for the first half of 2010/2011 - Analysts Presentation (Slideshow)
- Financial results for the H1 2011/2012 - "Zodiac Aerospace reports +33.3% increase in net earnings for its H1 2011/2012"
- Financial results for the H1 2011/2012 - Analysts Presentation (slideshow)
- FY 2014/2015 results - Analysts presentation
- FY 2015/2016 results: Recovery and transformation under way
- FY 2015/2016 results: Slideshow
- FY 2016/2017 results: Press Release
- FY 2016/2017 results: Slideshow
- General Meeting of 01/08/2014 related to the 2012/2013 FY: Draft resolutions
- General Meeting of 01/08/2014 related to the 2012/2013 FY: Preliminary convening notice
- General Meeting of 01/08/2014 related to the 2012/2013 FY: Vote form
- General Meeting of 01/09/2013 related to the 2011/2012 fiscal year: Draft resolutions
- General Meeting of 01/15/2015 related to the 2013/2014 FY: Preliminary report of consolidated financial statements (French only)
- General Meeting of 01/15/2015 related to the 2013/2014 FY: Authorizations and delegations given to the Executive Board (French only)
- General Meeting of 01/15/2015 related to the 2013/2014 FY: Candidate profile Gilberte Lombard
- General Meeting of 01/15/2015 related to the 2013/2014 FY: Convening notice (French only)
- General Meeting of 01/15/2015 related to the 2013/2014 FY: Draft resolutions
- General Meeting of 01/15/2015 related to the 2013/2014 FY: Preliminary convening notice (French only)
- General Meeting of 01/15/2015 related to the 2013/2014 FY: Preliminary report of company financial statements (French only)
- General Meeting of 01/15/2015 related to the 2013/2014 FY: Resolutions presentation (French only)
- General Meeting of 01/15/2015 related to the 2013/2014 FY: Vote form
- General Shareholder's Meeting of January 09th, 2013 for the fiscal year 2011/2012 : Press release
- General Shareholder's Meeting of January 10th, 2011 for the fiscal year 20009/2010 : Press release
- General Shareholder's Meeting of January 10th, 2011 for the fiscal year 2010/2011 : Press release
- H1 2016/2017 results
- H1 2016/2017 results (Slideshow)
- H1 2017/2018 results
- H1 report for fiscal year 2010/2011
- H1 Report for fiscal year 2011/2012
- H1 Report for fiscal year 2012/2013
- H1 Report for fiscal year 2013/2014
- H1 Report for fiscal year 2014/2015
- H1 Report for fiscal year 2015/2016 (French only)
- H1 Report for fiscal year 2016/2017
- Half year results 2014/2015 - Analysts presentation
- Half-year earnings affected by operating difficulties in Seats
- Half-year liquidity Contract report (French only) 01/07/2016
- Half-year liquidity Contract report (French only) 04/03/2016
- Half-year liquidity Contract report (French only) 06/07/2015
- Half-year liquidity Contract report (only French)
- Half-Year Results 2012/2013 - Analysts Presentation (slideshow)
- Half-Year Results 2013/2014 - Analysts presentation (slideshow)
- Half-Year Results 2014/2015 - Analysts presentation
- Half-year review of Zodiac Aerospace's liquidity contract 03/02/2017
- Half-year review of Zodiac Aerospace's liquidity contract 05/07/2017
- Half-year review of Zodiac Aerospace's liquidity contract 28/02/2018
- Le FSP entre au capital de Zodiac Aerospace (French only)
- Notice of meeting published in the BALO (French only)
- Number of shares and voting rights - April 30th, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - April 30, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - April 30th, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - April 30th, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - August 31, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - August 31st, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - August 31st, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - August 31st, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - Dec 04, 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights - Dec 31, 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights - December 10, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - December 31, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - December 31st, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - December 31st, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - December 31st, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - Feb 28, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - February 28th, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - February 28th, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - February 29th, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - Fev 25, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - Jan 31, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - January 31st, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - January 31st, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - January 31st, 2018
- Number of shares and voting rights - January 31th, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - July 31, 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights - July 31, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - July 31st, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - July 31st, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - July 31st, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - June 30, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - June 30th, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - June 30th, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - June 30th, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - March 31, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - March 31st, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - March 31st, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - March 31st, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - May 31, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - May 31st, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - May 31st, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - May 31st, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - Nov 30, 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights - November 30, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - November 30th, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - November 30th, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - November 30th, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - October 31, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - October 31st, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - October 31st, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - October 31st, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights - September 30, 2014
- Number of shares and voting rights - September 30th, 2015
- Number of shares and voting rights - September 30th, 2016
- Number of shares and voting rights - September 30th, 2017
- Number of shares and voting rights at April 30th, 2012
- Number of shares and voting rights at April 30th, 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights at August 31st, 2008
- Number of shares and voting rights at August 31st, 2010
- Number of shares and voting rights at August 31st, 2011
- Number of shares and voting rights at August 31st, 2012
- Number of shares and voting rights at August, 31st 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights at December 31st, 2010
- Number of shares and voting rights at December 31st, 2011
- Number of shares and voting rights at December 31st, 2012
- Number of shares and voting rights at February 26th, 2010
- Number of shares and voting rights at February, 28th 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights at January 31st, 2010
- Number of shares and voting rights at January 31st, 2012
- Number of shares and voting rights at January, 31st 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights at July 31st, 2010
- Number of shares and voting rights at June 30th, 2010
- Number of shares and voting rights at June, 30th 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights at March 31st, 2012
- Number of shares and voting rights at March 31st, 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights at May 31st, 2012
- Number of shares and voting rights at November 30th, 2010
- Number of shares and voting rights at November 30th, 2011
- Number of shares and voting rights at October, 31st 2013
- Number of shares and voting rights at September 30th, 2012
- Number of shares and voting rights at September, 30th 2013
- Postponement of the half-year results publication date
- Preliminary information for the year 2015/2016
- Publication of First Half 2012/2013 Results- "Zodiac Aerospace growth continues"
- Q1 2016/2017 sales revenues
- Q1 2016/2017 sales revenues (Slideshow)
- Q1 2017/2018 sales revenues
- Q2 2016/2017 sales revenues
- Q2 2016/2017 sales revenues (Slideshow)
- Q3 2016/2017 Sales revenues
- Q4 and Full Year 2016/2017 sales revenues
- Q4 and Full Year 2016/2017 sales revenues (Slideshow)
- Report for fiscal year 2007/2008
- Reshuffle of Zodiac Aerospace's governing bodies
- Retention collective agreement
- Revenue figures for Quarter 1 of 2010/2011 - "The cyclical recovery strengthens"
- Revenue figures for Quarter 1 of 2012-2013 - "Zodiac Aerospace achieved a 17% turnover growth"
- Revenue figures for Quarter 2 and First Half of 2010/2011 - "Zodiac Aerospace benefits from the recovery"
- Revenue figures for Quarter 2 and the First Half of 2011/2012 - "Continued sustained growth"
- Revenue figures for Quarter 2 of 2012-2013 - "Zodiac Aerospace growth continues"
- Revenue figures for Quarter 3 and 9 months of 2011/2012 - "Zodiac Aerospace confirms its growth targets"
- Revenue figures for Quarter 4 and annual 2011/2012 - "Zodiac Aerospace delivers a strong growth of its sales revenue for 2011/2012"
- Revenue figures for the 1st quarter of 2007/2008 - "Organic growth remains sustained"
- Revenue figures for the 1st quarter of 2008/2009 - "First positive impact from acquisitions and exchange rate"
- Revenue figures for the 1st quarter of 2009/2010
- Revenue figures for the 2nd quarter of 2007/2008 - "Organic growth remains strong"
- Revenue figures for the 2nd quarter of 2008/2009 - "Zodiac Aerospace confirms its resilience"
- Revenue figures for the 2nd quarter of 2009/2010
- Revenue figures for the 3rd quarter of 2007/2008 - "Organic growth remains good "
- Revenue figures for the 3rd quarter of 2008/2009
- Revenue figures for the 3rd quarter of 2009/2010
- Revenue figures for the 3rd quarter of 2010/2011 - "Zodiac Aerospace revises upwards its sales target"
- Revenue figures for the 4th quarter and full year of 2010/2011 - "Zodiac Aerospace outpaces its own growth plan"
- Revenue figures for the 4th quarter of 2007/2008 - "Good organic growth in 2007/2008"
- Revenue figures for the 4th quarter of 2008/2009 - "Revenue up by 9.4% and strong cash generation in 2008/2009"
- Revenue figures for the 4th quarter of 2009/2010 - "Strong performance for Zodiac Aerospace in FY 2009/2010"
- Revenue figures for the 4th quarter of 2009/2010 - Presentation (Slide show)
- Safran and Zodiac Aerospace announce new terms for the contemplated business combination transaction
- Sales Revenue for Q3 and 9 months 2012-2013 - "Zodiac Aerospace confirms its growth objectives"
- Satisfactory growth in 2014/2015 revenues, but a difficult year operationally
- Split by five of the par value of the Zodiac Aerospace shares
- Termination of Zodiac Aerospace's liquidity contract
- The Zodiac Aerospace's In-Flight Entertainment system is fitted on Corsair aircraft
- The Zodiac Group and Carlyle combine Zodiac Marine Segment with Jandy Pool Products
- Update on deployment of transformation and recovery plan: Sliding of the FY2015/16 financial target
- Zodiac Aerospace - Collective retention agreement
- Zodiac Aerospace acquires Enviro Systems
- Zodiac Aerospace acquires Greenpoint Technologies
- Zodiac Aerospace acquires Pacific Precision Products
- Zodiac Aerospace Acquires TriaGnoSys
- Zodiac Aerospace completes the acquisition of Contour Aerospace
- Zodiac Aerospace confirms its FY2015/2016 target
- Zodiac Aerospace continues its ascent
- Zodiac Aerospace continues its external growth strategy
- Zodiac Aerospace General Shareholders Meeting
- Zodiac Aerospace General Shareholders Meeting Presentation
- Zodiac Aerospace General Shareholders Meeting Presentation (French)
- Zodiac Aerospace increases its financing
- Zodiac Aerospace new In-Flight Entertainment selected by Corsairfly (TUI Group) for its Airbus and Boeing aircraft
- Zodiac Aerospace Press Release
- Zodiac Aerospace Press Release (in French)
- Zodiac Aerospace Press Release (in French) related to the consolidation of the non transfert undertakings of the historical family shareholders
- Zodiac Aerospace publishes a new semester of growth
- Zodiac Aerospace pursues its development
- Zodiac Aerospace recovery continues
- Zodiac Aerospace reports a revenue increase for the H1
- Zodiac Aerospace reports a robust growth in Q4
- Zodiac Aerospace reports another fiscal year of sales growth
- Zodiac Aerospace reports another quarterly growth
- Zodiac Aerospace selected by Airbus as the sole A320 galley and stowage supplier
- Zodiac Aerospace shareholders meeting
- Zodiac Aerospace shareholders meeting 2016
- Zodiac Aerospace shareholders meeting 2016 - Presentation (French only)
- Zodiac Aerospace strengthens its Cabin Interiors business
- Zodiac Aerospace strengthens its Cabin Interiors business - Acquisition of Sell GmbH
- Zodiac Aerospace strengthens its wiring protection business
- Zodiac Aerospace to acquire Contour Aerospace Ltd
- Zodiac Aerospace to acquire Northwest Aerospace Technologies
- Zodiac Aerospace to purchase IPS – Innovative Power Solutions
- Zodiac Aerospace to purchase La Jonchère
- Zodiac Aerospace to purchase the engineering department of Threesixty Aerospace company
- Zodiac Aerospace: Another year of organic growth - Full-Year Results 2013/14
- Zodiac Aerospace: Appointment of Benoît Ribadeau-Dumas as Chief of Staff to French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe
- Zodiac Aerospace: Change of address
- Zodiac Aerospace: Financial Calendar
- Zodiac Aerospace: new financing agreement
- Zodiac Aerospace: results for the 2014/2015 fiscal year
- Zodiac Aerospace: Revenue up 19.2% in the first 9 months of 2014/2015
- Zodiac Aerospace: still buoyant growth
- Zodiac to acquire Driessen Aerospace, a world leader in Galley Equipment