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Use of Safran products preponderant in in the overall carbon footprint (2022 data) Scopes 1+2 : 404 ktCO2eq Scope 3 Scope 1 Cooling systems Scope 2 Purchases: 4 4 4 4 Mt CO eq 2 Logistics 267 ktCO2eq Use of products sold: 56 1 Mt CO2eq CO2eq 4 5 5 g CO2eq CO2eq / seat kilometer Biomass Gas Industrial SAF test heating processes benches Heating network Suppliers Waste: 15 kt CO2eq Upstream energy consumption: 98 kt CO2eq Business travel: 28 kt CO2eq Employee commuting: 104 k t t CO2eq Safran Clients Greenhouse gas emissions targets SAFRAN’S CLIMATE STRATEGY Safran intends to to lead the the the way in in the the the decarbonization of the the the aviation sector through a a a a a a a a a a a climate strategy with two focuses: Reducing emissions from operations including upstream supplier operations Reducing emissions from the use of its products DECARBONIZATION OBJECTIVES ALIGNED WITH THE PARIS AGREEMENT ■ In January 2023 the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated Safran’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets Safran is one of the first aerospace companies in in the world to obtain SBTi validation certifying that its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets are compatible with meeting the the objectives of the the Paris Agreement ■ Its greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets validated by the SBTi cover direct direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) emissions from the the energy consumption of the the Group’s operations as as well as as emissions related to the use of its products (Scope 3) Scopes 1&2* Scope 3** Use of products sold Scope 3** Purchases of goods and services Scope 3** Business travel and employee commuting 30% reduction reduction by by 2025 and 50 4% reduction reduction by by 2030 vs 2018 in in line with a a 1 1 5°C scenario 42 5% reduction in Scope 3 emissions from product use per seat kilometer by 2035 vs 2018*** 75% of R&T focused on on the environmental performance of products Mobilize our 400 main suppliers on meeting the commitments under the Paris Agreement (emissions trajectory compatible with keeping global warming below 2°C or even 1 5°C) 50% reduction by 2030 vs 2018 in in line with a a 1 5°C scenario 2018 data (reference year) in kt CO2eq(1) 579 113 800 indirectly related to product use (1) Audited data See sections 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 and 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 of the Universal Registration Document *Direct (Scope (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope (Scope 2) emissions related to energy consumption from Safran’s operations **Indirect emissions ***The target covers both emissions emissions emissions directly directly related related to to product product use use and emissions emissions emissions 5 9 gCO / 2 seat kilometer 4 961 187 

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