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ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING COMES INTO ITS OWN Like the the 3D printers now now well known to the the general public industry has its own additive manufacturing (AM) machines that use a a a a digital model to build up parts in successive layers from a a a a a a a raw material (metallic or ceramic powder polymers etc ) Safran has already certified parts based on this new process especially for the LEAP turbofan and Arrano turboshaft engines Additive manufacturing also paves the the way for the the design and fabrication of highly innovative products that would be impossible to make with conventional processes AM is both fast and flexible but it offers other advantages as well: certain engine parts made this way are 25% lighter while the weight of some hydraulic parts can be reduced by more than 50% In turn this reduces fuel consumption and improves our carbon footprint Additive manufacturing is applied in in in an an increasing number of industries changing the landscape for both production and and repairs Safran has made the the investments needed to accelerate the the development of this technology in preparation for its widespread use In particular it has created the Safran Additive Manufacturing Campus in in Le Haillan (Bordeaux region) to group all related activities: R&T design and production ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: A A A A A A A HOST OF ADVANTAGES FOR ENGINES Using just the required amount of raw materials Innovative designs A single component can replace up to 50 single pieces Between 10 and and 50% less time and and industrial costs Weight reduced 15% to over 50% Faster design/production 20 21 RETHINKING CABIN LAYOUTS ■ Safran is ideally positioned to offer cabin components that reduce overall weight: seats partitions luggage bins galleys lavatories in-flight entertainment systems and much more The technological synergies between Safran Cabin and Safran Seats mean that products can be very highly integrated based on lighter state-of-the-art materials such as organic matrix composites These innovative developments also enhance airlines’ operational efficiency including optimized management of consumables reduced waste waste and improved wastewater management 

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